Hazardous according to criteria of Worksafe

Date of Issue : Oct 1999




Other Names : 2-BUTANONE

UN No. : 1193

Dangerous Goods Class : 3

Subsidiary Risk : None Allocated

Hazchem Code : 2[Y]E

Pack Group : II

EPG : 14

Poisons Schedule : 5

Uses :

As a solvent in the following applications: lacquers, lacquer thinners, epoxy thinners, natural & synthetic resins, polyurethane adhesives, gums & rubbers, liquid printing inks, PVC cloth manufacture and as a cleaning agent for metal surfaces. Refining and dewaxing of mineral & lubricating oils. Production of MEK peroxide and pharmaceuticals.

1.1 Physical Description / Properties

Appearance : Clear colourless liquid, with oxygenated hydrocarbon odour.

Formula : CH3 COC2 H5

Boiling Point : >78.5 deg C

Melting Point : -86 deg C

Vapour Pressure : N/A

Specific Gravity : 0.806 (water = 1)

Flash Point : Closed Cup -6

pH : N/A ()

Solubility in water : N/A g/l (25 deg C)

Flammability Limits (as percentage volume in air)

Lower Explosion Limit : >1.4

Upper Explosion Limit : >11

1.2 Other Properties

Molecular weight: 72.10. Boiling point: 79.6 deg C @ 1013 hPa, 78.5 - 81 deg C. Freezing point: -86.6 - -85.90 deg C. Flash point: -6 - - 4 deg C (CC), -5 deg C (OC). Flammability limits, LEL 1.4 - 1.8%, UEL 11.4 - 11.5%. Specific gravity (H2O=1) 0.8060 g/cm3 @ 20/20 deg C. Vapour pressure: 99.83 hPa @ 20 deg C, 22.346 kPa @ 38 deg C, 43.64 kPa @ 55 deg C. Vapour density (air=1): >1.00 - 2.5. Evaporation rate (butyl acetate=1): 6.0 - 6.6. Solubility in water: 24 - 26.30% @ 20 deg C. Percent volatiles: 100%. Heat of vaporization: 106.0 cal/g. Viscosity: 0.52 cst @ 20 deg C. Hygroscopic. Coefficient of thermal expansion: 0.00129 deg C vol/vol/deg C.

1.3 Ingredients

Chemical EntityCAS No.Proportions (%)


2.1 Health Effects - Acute


May cause irritation of the mouth, throat, and esophagus with nausea, abdomina discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and drowsiness. Aspiration into the lungs may occur during ingestion or vomiting, resulting in lung injury.


Causes moderate to severe irritation, experienced as discomfort or pain, excess blinking and tear production, with marked excess redness and swelling of the conjunctiva.


Brief contact may cause slight irritation with itching and local redness. Prolonged or repated contact may cause defatting and drying of the skin.


Causes irritation of the respiratory tract, experienced as nasal discomfort and discharge with chest pain and coughing. High concentrations of vapour may cause nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness. Loss of consciousness may occur.

2.2 Health Effects - Chronic

Skin contact may aggravate an existing dermatitis. Inhalation of material may aggravate asthma and inflammatory or fibriotic pulmonary disease.

2.3 First Aid


Do not induce vomiting. Do not give anything to drink. Obtain medical attention without delay.


Immediately flush eyes with water for and continue washing for at least 15 minutes. Do not remove contact lenses, if worn. Obtain medical attention without delay, preferably from an ophthalmologist.


Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with sopa and water. Obtain medical attention if irritation persists. Wash clothing before reuse.


Remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if not breathing. If breathing is difficult, oxygen may be given by qualified personnel. Obtain medical attention.

First Aid Facilities

Ensure an eye bath and safety shower are available and ready for use.

2.5 Advice to Doctor

There is no specific antidote. Treatment of overexposure should be directed at the control of symptoms and the clinical condition of the patient. Any material aspirated during vomiting may cause lung injury. Therefore, emesis should be considered necessary to evacuate the stomach contents, this should be done by means least likely to cause aspiration (eg. gastric lavage after endotracheal intubation).

2.6 Toxicity Data

Oral (rat) LD50: 2.90 - 6.34 ml/kg. Percutaneous (rabbit) : 12.6 g/kg/24hr killed 3/10; 6.3 ml/kg/24hr killed 1/4. Acute vapour exposure: Rat - statically generated, substantially saturated vapour, 2hr exposure killed 6/6. Rat - 8hr exposure 16000ppm killed 6/6, 8000ppm killed 3/6, 4000ppm killed 0/6. Primary skin irritation (rabbit): 24hr uncovered - minimal erythema. Eye irritation (rabbit): 0.02ml - severe corneal injury. No evidence of teratogenic effects.


3.1 Exposure Standards

TWA8 (ACGIH/MSHA) 200 ppm, 590 mg/m3. STEL (ACGIH/MSHA) 300 ppm, 885 mg/m3.

3.2 Engineering Controls

General (mechanical) room ventilation is expected to be satisifactory where this product is stored and handled in closed equipment. Special, local ventilation needed at points where vapours can be expected to escape to the workplace air.

3.3 Personal Protection

Use self contained breathing apparatus in high vapour concentrations. Use butyl gloves, monogoggles, and chemical apron.

3.4 Flammability

Flammable liquid. Warning: Sudden release of hot organic chemical vapours or mists from process equipment operating at elevated temperatures and pressure, or sudden ingress of air into vacuum equipment, may result in igntion without the presence of obvious igntion sources.


4.1 Storage / Transport

Keep container closed. Handle containers with care. Open slowly in order to control possible pressure release. Store in a cool, weel ventilated place away from incompatible materials. This material is not a static accumulator, but use proper grounding procedures. Do not pressurise, cut, heat, or weld containers. Empty product containers may contain product residue. Do not reuse empty containers without commercial cleaning or reconditioning.

4.2 Packaging / Labelling

UN No. 1193

Class 3

Sub Risk None Allocated

Hazchem Code 2[Y]E

Pack Group II

EPG No. 14



Risk Phrases

R11 Highly flammable.

R36/37 Irritating to eyes and respiratory system.

Safety Phrases

S2 Keep out of the reach of children.

S9 Keep container in a well ventilated place.

S16 Keep away from sources of ignition.

S25 Avoid contact with eyes.

S33 Take precautionary measures against static discharges.

4.3 Spills and Disposal


Clean-up personnel should wear full protective clothing including breathing apparatus. Eliminate sources of ignition. Warn occupants of downwind areas of fire and explosion hazard. Prevent liquid from entering sewers, watercourses or low areas. Keep public away. Shut off source if possible to do so without hazard. Advise police if substance has entered a watercourse or sewer or has contaminated soil or vegetation. Take measures to minimize the effect on the ground water.

Contain spilled liquid with sand or earth. Dilute contained spill with water. Recover by pumping (use an explosion proof or hand pump) or with a suitable absorbent. If liquid is too viscous for pumping, scrape up with shovels or pails and place in suitable containers for recycle or disposal.


Empty drums should be taken for recycling, reovery or disposal through a suitably qualified or licensed contractor. Care should be taken to ensure compliance with national and local regulations. Product is not suitable for disposal by either landfill or via municipal sewers, drains, natural streams or rivers. Material is ashless and can be burned directly in appropriate equipment.


Fire / Explosion

Vapours from this material may settle in low or confined areas or travel a long distance to an igntion source and flash back explosively. Shot off fuel to fire. If a leak or spill has not ignited, use water ot disperse the vapours and to protect men attempting to stop a leak. Either allow fire to burn under controlled conditions or extinguish with alcohol type foam or dry chemical. Try to cover liquid spills with foam. Keep fire exposed containers cool with water spray.

Extinguishing Media

Firefighters should wear full protective clothing including self contained breathing apparatus. Apply alcohol type or all purpose type foam by manufacturers recommended techniques for large fires. Use carbon dioxide or dry chemical media for small fires.


Other Information

Degradability - Biodegradation after 5 days: 76%, after 10 days: 82%, after 20 days: 89%. THOS: 2.44 mg/mg. COD: 2.23 mg/mg. Log P Oct/H2O: 0.29. Bacteria inhibition IC50: >1000 mg/l. Acquatic toxicity LC50 (fathead minnow): 4850 mg/l/96hr.

5.1 Contact Points

OrganisationLocationTelephoneAsk For
Teloon Chemicals1908 CHINA LIFE INSURANCE TOWER, 26 RENMIN ROAD, DALIAN 116001, CHINA86-411-2819585Technical Officer

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use.