NOT Hazardous according to criteria of Worksafe

Date of Issue : Jul 2002





UN No. : N/A

Dangerous Goods Class : C.1

Subsidiary Risk : None Allocated

Hazchem Code : N/A

Pack Group : 0


Poisons Schedule : 6

Uses :

Solvent for polymerisation and cyanide reactions; analytical reagent; spinning polyacrylonitrile and other synthetic fibers; industrial cleaners, pesticides, paint stripping; hydraulic fluids; preservation of cells at low temperatures; diffusion of drugs, etc., into blood stream by topical application; medicine (anti-inflammatory); veterinary medicine; plant pathology and nutrition; pharmaceutical products; metal complexing agent.

1.1 Physical Description / Properties

Appearance : Colourless liquid, with strong solvent odour, hygroscopic.

Formula : C2H6OS

Boiling Point : 189 deg C

Melting Point : 18.5 deg C

Vapour Pressure : 0.55 mm Hg (1 atmosphere)

Specific Gravity : 1.1 (water = 1)

Flash Point : Closed Cup 87

pH : N/A ()

Solubility in water : Solub g/l (25 deg C)

Flammability Limits (as percentage volume in air)

Lower Explosion Limit : 2.6

Upper Explosion Limit : 28.5

1.2 Other Properties

Solubility in water - Completely soluble. Density @ 20 deg C = 1100 kg/m3 Autoignition temperature = 300 - 302 deg C Vapour density - Relative vapour density/air = 2.7 Soluble in alcohols, ethyl ether, aromatic hydrocarbons Viscosity @ 20 deg C = 2.14 mPa.s (cP) Decomposition temperature = > 190 deg C

1.3 Ingredients

Chemical EntityCAS No.Proportions (%)


2.1 Health Effects - Acute


May cause irritation to the mouth, oesophagus and stomach if swallowed in large quantities. Symptoms may include nausea and vomiting.


May cause irritation, which can result in redness, lachrymation, stinging and temporary blurred vision.


May cause irritation in contact with the skin, which can result in itchiness, redness, swelling and possible dermatitis.


The vapour/mist may cause irritation to the mucous membrane and upper airways. Symptoms of exposure may include coughing and breathing difficulties.

2.2 Health Effects - Chronic

Prlonged or repeated contact with this material may cause skin irritation leading to dermatitis. Prolonged exposure at high doses may cause the following symptoms to arise: irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, fatigue, dizziness, headache, garlic smell on breath.

2.3 First Aid


Wash out mouth with water, and then give plenty of water to drink. If irritation develops seek medical attention.


If in eye(s) wash with copious amounts of water for approximately 15 minutes holding eyelid(s) open. Take care not to rinse contaminated water into the non- affected eye. Seek immediate medical attention if irritation persists.


Immediately flush body and clothes with large amounts of water, using safety shower if available. Quickly remove all contaminated clothing, including footwear. Wash affected areas with water (and soap if available) for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists seek medical attention.


If fumes or combustion products are inhaled, remove to fresh air. Lay patient down. Keep warm and rested. If breathing is shallow or as stopped, ensure clear airway and apply resuscitation. Seek medical attention if irritation persists.

First Aid Facilities

Ensure an eye bath and safety shower are available and ready for use.

2.5 Advice to Doctor

Treat symtpmatically and supportively.

2.6 Toxicity Data

Oral LD50 = 14 - 20 g/kg (rat) Dermal LD50 = 40 g/kg (rat) Guinea pig : Not a skin sensitiser.


3.1 Exposure Standards

No value assigned for this specific material by the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC). However, a value proposed by Supplier is VME = 300 ppm.

3.2 Engineering Controls

Use only in a well ventilated area. Use local exhaust ventilation in confined work areas and ensure sufficient air is replaced to compensate the air that has been removed.

3.3 Personal Protection

Respiratory protection - where vapours, mists or spray is generated and exposure standards are exceeded, select and use respirators in accordance with AS/NZS 1715/1716. The use of the following is recommended : Approved respirator with organic vapour and dust/mist filters. Filter capacity and respirator type depends on exposure levels for each individual circumstance. Eye protection - the use of face shields, chemical goggles or safety glasses with side shield protection as appropriate. Skin protection - wear butyl rubber gloves. The use of plastic apron, overalls and rubber boots are recommended.

3.4 Flammability

Product is a combustible liquid.


4.1 Storage / Transport

Hygroscopic product. Stability of solution decreases under the action of heat, light and in the presence of impurities. Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area, out of direct sunlight. Keep hermetically closed and at temperatures above 20 deg C to prevent crystallisation. Store under nitrogen (hygroscopic product). Avoid sparks, flames and other ignition sources. Store away from incompatible materials such as haolgenated organic and mineral acids (sulphur, phosphorus), methylbromide, sodium hydride, zinc, steel (in the presence of water), strong acids, perchloric acid, periodic acid, strong oxidising agents. Store in suitable, labelled containers. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use and when empty. Protect from damage. Inspect periodically for deficiencies such as damage or leaks. Avoid generating mist. Have emergency equipment available (for fires, spills, leaks etc.) readily. Whenever possible fire-resistant containers should be used. Wear appropriate protective equipment to prevent inhalation, skin and eye contact. Ensure high levels of personal hygiene is maintained when using this product.

4.2 Packaging / Labelling

UN No. N/A

Class C.1

Sub Risk None Allocated

Hazchem Code N/A

Pack Group 0




Risk Phrases

Safety Phrases

4.3 Spills and Disposal


Clean-up personnel should wear full protective clothing including self-contained breathing apparatus. Remove all sources of ignition. Increase ventilation. Evacuate all unnecessary personnel. DO NOT dilute but contain. If large quantities of this material enter the waterways contact the Environmental Protection Authority, or the Local Waste Management Authority.

Place inert absorbent such as vermiculite, sand or dirt onto material. Use clean non-sparking tools to collect the material and place into a suitable labelled container. Do not dilute material but contain. Mop up the remaining material and place into the same container.


Dispose of waste according to federal, EPA, state and local regulations. Assure conformity with all applicable regulations.


Fire / Explosion

Product is combustible. Flammable when hot with vapours explosive to air. Use in well ventilated area. Do not use in confined space. Use flameproof equipment and fittings to prevent flammability risk. Earth all containers to reduce the possibility of sparks from static electricity. Do not use close to ignition sources. Thermal decomposition generates toxic products such as oxides of sulphur, formaldehyde, methylmercaptan and dimethylsulphide. Vapour forms an explosive mixture with air. Severe explosion hazard in the form of vapour, when exposed to flame or spark. Dangerous reaction with halogenated organic and mineral acids (sulphur, phsophorus); methylbromide; sodium hydride; zinc; steel (in the presence of water); strong acids; pechloric acid; periodic acid and strong oxidising agents.

Extinguishing Media

Remove sources of ignition. Stop the source of the leak or release and contain spill if possible. Ventilate area. Use respirator and protective clothing to minimise exposure. Cover spill with a generous amount of inert absorbent. Collect and place in a labelled disposable container. Scrub contaminated area with detergent and water using a stiff broom. Pick up liquid with additional absorbent and place in a labelled disposable container. Prevent contamination of groundwater or surface water. If large quantities of this material enter the waterways contact the Environmental Protection Authority, or your local Waste Management Authority. Fire fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. Use foam, dry chemical, carbon dioxide or water spray to extinguish.


Other Information

Biodegradability - Readily biodegradable in water : 94% after 27 days Biodegradable in water treatment plant : 90% after 28 days (Concentration : 65 mg/l). Biodegradability - in soil : Non adsorbable. Not bioaccumulable : Log Pow = -1.35 Practically non harmful to fish : LC50, 96hrs = 35200-50600 mg/l; Practically non toxic to daphnia. Labelling requirements of the Standard for Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons do not apply to a poison that is packed and sold solely for industrial, laboratory or manufacturing purposes; however is labelled in accordance with the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission's "National Code of Practice for the Labelling of Workplace Substances".

5.1 Contact Points

OrganisationLocationTelephoneAsk For
Teloon Chemicals1908 CHINA LIFE INSURANCE TOWER, 26 RENMIN ROAD, DALIAN 116001, CHINA86-411-2819585Technical Officer

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use.