Hazardous according to criteria of Worksafe

Date of Issue : May 1998





UN No. : 3087

Dangerous Goods Class : 5.1

Subsidiary Risk : 61

Hazchem Code : 2W

Pack Group : II

EPG : 5B1

Poisons Schedule : 6

Uses :

Oxidising agent (chemicals, dyes, intermediates); analytical reagent; brass pickling compositions; electroplating; pyrotechnics; explosives; safety matches; textiles; dyeing and printing; chrome glues and adhesives; chrome tanning leather; wood stains; poison fly paper; process engraving and lithography; synthetic perfumes; chrome alum manufacture; pigments; alloys; ceramic products.

1.1 Physical Description / Properties

Appearance : Bright yellowish- red, transparent crystals with a bitter metallic taste.

Formula : K2Cr2O7

Boiling Point : DEC deg C

Melting Point : 396 deg C

Vapour Pressure : N/A

Specific Gravity : 2.676 (water = 1)

Flash Point : N/A

pH : 4 (1% soln)

Solubility in water : 190 g/l (25 deg C)

Flammability Limits (as percentage volume in air)

Lower Explosion Limit : N/A

Upper Explosion Limit : N/A

1.2 Other Properties

Material decomposes at approximately 500 deg C. Soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol.

1.3 Ingredients

Chemical EntityCAS No.Proportions (%)
POTASSIUM DICHROMATE[ 7778-50-9]> 99.6


2.1 Health Effects - Acute


The product can cause severe tissue destruction. Kidney failure may follow and result in death.


Overexposure will cause severe irritation and potential permanent damage to the eyes. Exposure to low level concentrations may cause moderate irritation or conjunctivitis.


Causes skin burns. May cause skin sensitisation, an allergic reaction, which becomes evident upon re-exposure to this material. May cause 'chrome ulcers' which causes ulceration of the skin, especially if the skin is broken. This product can be absorbed through the skin and cause systemic poisoning and subsequent kidney damage.


Causes respiratory tract irritation. May cause liver and kidney damage. May cause ulceration and perforation of the nasal septum if inhaled in excessive quantities. Excessive inhalation may cause minor respiratory irritation.

2.2 Health Effects - Chronic

Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause sensitisation dermatitis and possible destruction and/or ulceration. May cause respiratory tract cancer. May cause liver and kidney damage. Chronic inhalation may cause nasal septum ulceration and perforation, tooth enamel erosion, chest pain, or asthma (via allergic sensitisation).

2.3 First Aid


DO NOT induce vomiting. If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Seek medical aid immediately.


Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes occasionally lifting the upper and lower lids. Seek medical aid immediately.


Get medical aid immediately. Immediately flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes whilst removing contaminated clothing and shoes.


Get medical aid immediately. Remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.

First Aid Facilities

Ensure an eye bath and safety shower are available and ready for use.

2.5 Advice to Doctor

Treat symptomatically based on judgment of doctor and individual reactions of patient.

2.6 Toxicity Data

Oral LD50 = 190 mg/kg (Mouse) Oral LDLo = 163 mg/kg (Guinea Pig) ; 2829 mg/kg (Dog) Dermal LD50 = not available Inhalation LC50 = not available Carcinogenicity : ACGIH - certain water insoluble, as Cr : A1-confirmed human carcinogen California - carcinogen, as Chromium (VI) compounds NIOSH - occupational carcinogen NTP - known carcinogen OSHA - select carcinogen IARC - Group 3 carcinogen (listed as Chromium) Epidemiology - increased evidences of respiratory cancer has been found in chromium (VI) workers.


3.1 Exposure Standards

OSHA permissable exposure limit (PEL) : 0.1 mg CrO3/m3 TWA ACGIH threshold limit value (TLV) : 0.05 mg Cr/m3 TWA NIOSH recommended exposure level (REL) : 0.025 mg Cr(VI)/m3 TWA : 0.050 mg Cr(VI)/m3 ceiling Worksafe recommends the following exposure standard : Chromium (VI) compounds (as Cr), certain water insoluble TWA 0.05 mg/m3 Carcinogen Category 1 - established human carcinogen. Sensitiser.

3.2 Engineering Controls

Provide adequate exhaust ventilation where dust or fumes may be generated to ensure airborne concentrations are kept below permissable standards. Local exhaust ventilation, confinement of dust-generating equipment, and/or room ventilation system, as well as the adequate engineering controls are required to ensure the worker exposure below TLV.

3.3 Personal Protection

Wear chemical goggles, rubber gloves, a government-approved respirator and other protective clothing to ensure exposure is kept to a minimum. When handling this product do not eat, drink or smoke. Do not breathe dust or fumes. Cover cuts, grazes or broken skin with impervious dressings to avoid contamination. Workers should take a hot shower at the end of the work shift.

3.4 Flammability

Product is not combustible. Contact with combustible material, however, may caue fire. Product is combustion promoting. It burns with other combustible materials even in the absence of air.


4.1 Storage / Transport

Store in a dry place away from foodstuffs and easily oxidisable material. When stored in tightly closed containers away from sources of heat, it has unlimited storage stability. Open containers under local exhaust systems. Keep away from reducing agents and sources of ignition.

4.2 Packaging / Labelling

UN No. 3087

Class 5.1

Sub Risk 61

Hazchem Code 2W

Pack Group II

EPG No. 5B1



Risk Phrases

R36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.

R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact.

Safety Phrases

S22 Do not breathe dust.

S28:POBICH After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of soap and water.

4.3 Spills and Disposal


Clean-up personnel should wear full protective clothing including self-contained breathing apparatus. Remove all sources of ignition. Do not allow product to enter drains, water courses or streams.

Collect as much spilled material as possible in a suitable container. If contamination cannot be removed thoroughly it should be treated with ferrous sulphate solution to reduce the hexavalent chromium to the trivalent form, and neutralised with a weak base. Following neutralisation, shovel or soak up with an absorbent such as sand into containers and remove the residues to an approved chemical waste area. NEVER flush into sewers or public water-ways.


Observe all Local, State and Federal regulations before disposing of waste. Potassium bichromate should not be discharged directly into streams and not be dumped without treatment into soil. Care must be taken that waters do not contaminate underground water courses. Hexavalent chromium may be reduced to the trivalent form and precipitated as hydrous chromic oxide, OR the hexavalent chromium may be removed from solution by anion exchange resin and treated. Trivalent chromium sludges can be collected and dumped according to regulations.


Fire / Explosion

Material is not combustible. Potassium bichromate is generally stable at room temperature in closed containers under normal storage and handling conditions. Hazardous polymerisation will not occur. Incompatible with combustibles and organics such as wood, paper, oil, alcohol, and many hydrocarbons. Material is an oxidiser. It is not combustible but accelerates the burning of combustibles. Reacts explosively with hydrazine and hydroxylamine.

Extinguishing Media

Fire-fighters should wear full protective clothing including self-contained breathing apparatus. In case of fire use water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide or chemical foam. Use equipment/media appropriate to surrounding fire conditions.


Other Information

This chemical has a high potential to affect some aquatic organisms and secondary waste treatment microorganisms. It is expected to have a high potential to affect the germination and growth of some plants. This material has a moderate potential to bioconcentrate. Acute aquatic effects : 48-hour LC50 : 224 ng/L (Golden orfe) 48-hour LC50 : 420 mg/L (Mosquito fish) 24-hour LC50 : 1.4 mg/L (Water flea) 24-hour EC50 (immobilisation) : 0.89 ng/L (Water flea)

5.1 Contact Points

OrganisationLocationTelephoneAsk For
Teloon Chemicals1908 CHINA LIFE INSURANCE TOWER, 26 RENMIN ROAD, DALIAN 116001, CHINA86-411-2819585Technical Officer

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use.