Date of Issue : Feb 2001 1. IDENTIFICATION
General Product Name : TRISODIUM PHOSPHATE Other Names : TRISODIUM ORTHOPHOSPHATE ; TERTIARY SODIUM PHOSPHATE SODIUM ORTHOPHOSPHATE, TERTIARY ; TSP UN No. : N/A Dangerous Goods Class : None Allocated Subsidiary Risk : None Allocated Hazchem Code : N/A Pack Group : 0 EPG : N/A Poisons Schedule : 5 Uses : Water softeners, boiler water compounds, detergent, metal cleaner, textiles, manufacture of paper, laundering, tanning, sugar purification, photographic developers, paint removers, industrial cleaners, dietary supplement, buffer, emulsifier, food additive.
1.1 Physical Description / Properties
Appearance : Colourless coarse white powder, hygroscopic. Formula : Na3PO4.12H2O Boiling Point : Decom deg C Melting Point : 76.7 deg C Vapour Pressure : N/A Specific Gravity : 1.62 (water = 1) Flash Point : N/A pH : 11.7 (1% solution) Solubility in water : 80 g/l (25 deg C) Flammability Limits (as percentage volume in air) Lower Explosion Limit : N/A Upper Explosion Limit : N/A 1.2 Other Properties
No data available 1.3 Ingredients
2.1 Health Effects - Acute Swallowed
Causes irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting and diarrheoa. May cause mild burning of mouth, throat and stomach. Its alkaline nature may injure the oesophagus and digestive tract. Aqueous, highly alkaline solutions may produce caustic burns. Eye
Causes irritation to eyes, may be severe with possible corneal damage. Aqueous, highly alkaline solutions may produce caustic burns. Skin
Causes irritation to skin. Symptoms include redness, itching and pain. Extent of damage depends on duration of contact. More serious effects may occur if the skin is moist. Aqueous, highly alkaline solutions mau produce caustic burns. Inhaled
Causes irritation to the respiratory tract. Symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath. Behaves as a moderately strong alkali; intense exposure may result in the destruction of mucous membranes. May cause asthmatic bronchitis, chemical pneumonitis or pulmonary edema. 2.2 Health Effects - Chronic
Repeated exposure may cause symptoms similar to those listed for acute effects. May cause permanent tissue damage to the skin and eyes.
2.3 First Aid
DO NOT attempt to give any by mouth to an unconscious person. Give 1 - 3 cups of water to drink. If vomiting occurs, give more water to achieve effective dilution. Seek medical assistance.
Immediately irrigate with copious quantities of water for at least 15 minutes, holding the eyelids open. In all cases of eye contamination, it is advisable to seek medical attention.
Immediately flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Seek medical attention. Wash clothing before re-use. Thoroughly clean shoes before re-use.
Blow nose. Clean nostrils with moist cotton wool. If irritation occurs of exposure was prolonged or severe. Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Seek medical advice.
First Aid Facilities
Ensure an eye bath and safety shower are available and ready for use.
2.5 Advice to Doctor
Treat symptomatically based on judgement of doctor and individual reactions of patient.
2.6 Toxicity Data
Oral LD50 = 7400 mg/kg (Rat) Dermal LD50 = not available Inhalation LC50 = not available Invesitgated as a mutagen.
3.1 Exposure Standards
TWA (as nuisance dust) 10 mg/m3. High concentrations of dust in the workplace may cause unpleasant deposition of dust in the ears, eyes and upper respiratory tract and reduce visibility. In addition, the mechanical action of these dusts, or the cleaning procedures necessary for their removal, may cause injury to the skin or mucous membranes.
3.2 Engineering Controls
Use with adequate ventilation to maintain exposure levels below standards.
3.3 Personal Protection
Ensure an eye bath and safety shower are available and ready for use. Wear suitable protective equipment, including approved respiratory protection. Wear chemical safety goggles. A face shield may also be necessary. Wear impervious gloves, coveralls, enclosed footwear and/or other resistant protective clothing. Do not smoke, drink or eat in the work area. Launder contaminated clothing after use. Wash thoroughly after handling material.
3.4 Flammability
4.1 Storage / Transport
Keep in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry ventilated area. Protect against physical damage. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (dust, solids); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product.
4.2 Packaging / Labelling UN No. N/A Class None Allocated Sub Risk None Allocated Hazchem Code N/A Pack Group 0 EPG No. N/A Shipping Name TRISODIUM PHOSPHATE Hazard IRRITANT
Risk Phrases R37/38 Irritating to respiratory system and skin. R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.
Safety Phrases S22 Do not breathe dust. S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes. S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
4.3 Spills and Disposal
Wear appropriate protective clothing. Avoid raising dust.
Sweep up spill, avoid generating dusts. Collect and seal in properly labelled containers for subsequent disposal. Flush spill area with water.
Dispose of in accordance with all Local, State and Federal regulations at an approved waste disposal site.
Non-flammable, non-combustible solid. Material is stable. Incompatible with strong acids, aluminium and zinc.
Extinguishing Media
Fire fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Use carbon dioxide, foam or dry chemical type extinguishers for the main cause of the fire. Use media appropriate to surrounding fire conditions. Use water to cool fire-exposed containers. 5 OTHER INFORMATION
Other Information
No data available
5.1 Contact Points
The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use.