Date of Issue : Jan 2002 1. IDENTIFICATION
General Product Name : SODIUM CITRATE Other Names : TRISODIUM CITRATE ; TRISODIUM CITRATE DIHYDRATE UN No. : N/A Dangerous Goods Class : None Allocated Subsidiary Risk : None Allocated Hazchem Code : N/A Pack Group : 0 EPG : N/A Poisons Schedule : N/A Uses : Soft drinks, photography, frozen desserts, meat products, detergents, special cheeses, electroplating, sequestrant and buffer, nutrient for cultured buttermilk, removal of sulfur dioxide from smelter waste gases, medicine (diuretic, expectorant), anticoagulant for blood withdrawn from body.
1.1 Physical Description / Properties
Appearance : White powder of different granular size. Almost odourless with a saline taste. Formula : C6H9Na3O9 Boiling Point : N/A deg C Melting Point : >300 deg C Vapour Pressure : N/A Specific Gravity : 1.76 (water = 1) Flash Point : N/A pH : 7-10 (5% aq soln) Solubility in water : Solub g/l (25 deg C) Flammability Limits (as percentage volume in air) Lower Explosion Limit : N/A Upper Explosion Limit : N/A 1.2 Other Properties
Bulk density: 0.5 kg/l. Virtually insoluble in ethanol. Ignition temperature: 290 deg C. Hygroscopic. Solubility in water: 160 000 mg/l in water 1.3 Ingredients
2.1 Health Effects - Acute Swallowed
The product is considered to be practically non-toxic by ingestion. Eye
Light eye irritation may occur under extreme dust conditions. Skin
Contact with skin is not expected to cause irritation. Inhaled
Inhalation of dust may cause respiratory irritation. 2.2 Health Effects - Chronic
Mild skin irritation may occur with prolonged or repeated contact.
2.3 First Aid
No adverse effects.
Rinse immediately with tap water for 10 minutes - open eyelids forcibly. Consult physician.
Remove contaminated clothes, wash affected skin with water and soap - do not use any solvents.
Remove casualty to fresh air and keep him/her calm. Consult physician.
First Aid Facilities
Ensure an eye bath and safety shower are available and ready for use.
2.5 Advice to Doctor
Treat symptomatically based on judgement of doctor and individual reactions of patient.
2.6 Toxicity Data
Oral (mouse) LD50: >5400 mg/kg. Oral (rat) LD50: >6730 mg/kg. Eye (rabbit): slightly irritating. Skin (rabbit): non-irritant. Sensitisation (guinea pig): not sensitizing. Chronic toxicity (oral, rat, 90 days): well tolerated 2000 mg/kg. Mutagenicity: not mutagenic. Carcinogenicity (rat, mouse): not carcinogen. Note - GRAS (generally recognised as safe for human consumption. Reproduction toxicity: not teratogenic
3.1 Exposure Standards
An exposure standard has not been established for this product. However, the following is recommended for nuisance dusts : Dusts not otherwise classified : TWA 10 mg/m3
3.2 Engineering Controls
Processing in closed systems, if possible superposed by inert gas (eg nitrogen). Local exhaust ventilation necessary. Take precautionary measures aganist electrostatic charging. Avoid dust formation.
3.3 Personal Protection
Respiratory protection - in case of open handling or accidental release; particle mask or respirator with independent air supply. Hand protection - protective gloves. Eye protection - safety glasses.
3.4 Flammability
4.1 Storage / Transport
Store in a dry place. Keep away from incompatible materials - aluminium, lead, copper, zinc, their alloys, uncoated steel, and concrete. Keep away from oxidizing agents, reducing agents, and bases.
4.2 Packaging / Labelling UN No. N/A Class None Allocated Sub Risk None Allocated Hazchem Code N/A Pack Group 0 EPG No. N/A Shipping Name SODIUM CITRATE Hazard
Risk Phrases
Safety Phrases
4.3 Spills and Disposal
Clean up personnel should wear full protective clothing including respiratory protection in dusty environments. Avoid dust formation.
Collect spilled material into suitable containers and hold for later disposal. Wash down spill site with plenty of water after material pickup complete.
Incinerate in qualified installation with flue gas scrubbing. Dispose according to all local, state, and federal regulations.
Decomposes when exposed to fire conditions. Products of decompostion may include toxic and corrosive gases (sodium oxide).
Extinguishing Media
Firefighters should wear full protective clothing including self contained breathing apparatus. Use water spray jet, dry powder, foam, or carbon dioxide as extinguishing media. Use water spray to precipitate gases/vapours/ mists. 5 OTHER INFORMATION
Other Information
Inherently biodegradable: 98%, 7 days. Ecotoxicity: Barely toxic to fish (goldfish) LCo: 625 mg/l. Moderately toxic for planktonic crustaceans (Ceriodaphnia dubia) EC50 (48h) 735.54 mg/l Barely toxic for fish (goldfish): LC0 = 625 mg/l Moderately toxic for planktonic crustaceans (Daphnia magna): LC0 = 80 mg/l Barely toxic for microorganisms (Pseudomonas putida): EC0 (16h) > 10000 mg/l Barely toxic for protozoa (Entosiphon sulcatum): EC0(72h) = 485mg/l Barely toxic for algae (Scenedesmus aeruginosa): EC0 = 640 mg/l Moderately toxic for algae (Microcystis aeruginosa): EC0 = 80 mg/l Air pollution = observe local/national regulations
5.1 Contact Points
The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use.